We met the founder of Monocle Magazine, Tyler Brûlé, at an event in San Francisco and he told us that he had recently started an internet radio station, called Monocle 24, and wondered if we would be willing to meet in London to discuss producing for the station. A few weeks later, we met at the Monocle offices in the heart of the city.
We began producing for Monocle immediately, covering arts and culture. In this particular story, we spent the evening with Lynee Breedlove, founder of Homobiles, a taxi service “committed to providing secure and reliable transit to the SF Bay Area LGBTQIA community and its allies.” We drove around for several hours interviewing passengers, Breedlove, and others.
Interestingly, Monocle turned the tables and did a story on our work, specifically our radio magazine, The [Un]Observed.
—Post Production